Thursday, August 2, 2007

week 6, #13


Technorati had very recent pictures of the Mississippi river bridge collapse today. But similar ones are on all the major news sites. I tried several searches and most of the posts were very personal ramblings of people who need to get a real life, not a virtual substitute. I have many other things to do with my time.
Watched the alternate tutorial for Explored the site and liked BookFinder. I would think to be valuable for research projects.
Looked at several of the listed libraries d pages. Could not find how to access them except from the links in 23 things. I don't see that this is so valuable. A catalog search would be quicker and less cumbersome.
Clicked on several popular bookmarks and saw the comments and other possible tag names. could be very useful in doing research, especially where one may need to use various computers.

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